PVfit: About PVfit

The Developer

  • PVfit is developed by Intelligent Measurement Systems LLC, in beautiful Bozeman, Montana, USA.
  • Feedback is welcome, address it to Mark Campanelli at mark.campanelli@gmail.com.
  • The service can also be used via a RESTful API.
    Commercial users: Please contact us about pricing for high-volume usage or direct use via the Python API, e.g., for embedded systems.
  • The backend is written in Python and runs via Amazon Web Services (Lambda + API Gateway).
  • This frontend is written in Gatsby and runs via Amazon Web Services (S3 + Route53 + Cloudfront).
  • We do not store any user data (e.g., I-V curves), but we do monitor general activity.
  • Check the News for the latest updates and API version changes.