PVfit: PV Device Model Calibration from I-V Curve Measurements

Welcome to PVfit

PVfit is a cloud-based computational service for photovoltaic (PV) device performance model calibration from current-voltage (I-V) curve measurements. You input I-V measurement data and PVfit outputs optimal diode-model parameters that fit the data.

This paper describes our modeling approach. This followup paper demonstrates our algorithm fitting our single-diode model to synthetic and laboratory I-V curve matrix measurement data. Open-source computational code for further analyses, such as fit quality and performance predictions, is available (in Python) at https://github.com/markcampanelli/pvfit.

Here is our implementation roadmap—

  • Single-Diode
    • 5-parameter single-diode equation (SDE) from one/more I-V curves at one irradiance and temperature
    • 6-parameter single-diode model (SDM) from a collection of I-V curves over a range of irradiance and temperature
    • PV-based effective irradiance and cell temperature sensing (in progress, poster)
    • Parameter initial condition selection and parameter fixing (in progress)
  • Double-Diode
    • 7-parameter double-diode equation (DDE) from one/more I-V curves at one irradiance and temperature (on hold)
    • 8-parameter double-diode model (DDM) from a collection of I-V curves over a range of irradiance and temperature (on hold)
  • Website and API Useability Improvements (ongoing)
  • Automated Model Ranking and Selection (future work)
  • Uncertainty Analysis of Calibration Parameters (future work)

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